Natalia Rodina
▪️ parapsychologist, psychologist, Ph.D. in Psychology (Doctor of Philosophy);
▪️ scientist, researcher of anomalous phenomena of consciousness;
▪️ Academician of the Academy of Technological Sciences of Ukraine;
▪️ spiritual teacher, medium;
▪️ bioenergy therapist, a real member of the International Association of Non-Traditional Methods of Treatment;

▪️ Founder and Head of the International Center for the Development of Consciousness Capabilities at the Academy of Technological Sciences of Ukraine (in Kyiv, Ukraine).

It is the international educational center founded by Natalia Rodina in 2010.
More than 35 thousand students from 58 countries have studied at the Center.

At the present time, Natalia Rodina conducts ONLINE TRAINING for learners from all over the world! (in English, Russian, Estonian, German, and Italian).

Natalia Rodina has created several dozens of training courses that she conducts at the International Center for the Development of Consciousness Capabilities.
Education: Degrees in economics and psychology, as well as a special medical education (at the Kyiv Medical University UANM).

For over 20 years Natalia Rodina has researched and continues to study parapsychology and psychology, medicine, genetics and wave genetics, the basics of quantum physics, psychic human abilities, cosmology, ancient knowledge of sacred geometry, and the techniques of medieval healers.

In this incessant process of cognition, the best methods of different directions were collected into a single original training system, which includes the stages of the development of personality consciousness, and also gives the maximum effect of restoring human health.
You can read more about the activities of Natalia Rodina on her personal website:
Also, Natalia wrote three books:
  • "The Universe of Love and Understanding: Keys to Managing Your Reality"
  • "True Knowledge. Book 1" (published in English, Deutch, Estonian, Litvanian, Russian, and Ukrainian)
  • "True Knowledge. Book 2" (now it is being translated into English, Deutch, Ukrainian and Estonian)
Online courses by Natalia Rodina, available to a wide audience:
Online mini-course:
5 Secrets of Restoring Emotional Balance: releasing stress, anxiety, and fear
Online course:
Energy of a New Life:
the basic development course
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