Free online course:

5 Secrets of Restoring Emotional Balance:
releasing stress, anxiety and fear

This course is designed for those who want to learn how to restore by itself their emotional and mental state, as well as their physical well-being. You will learn to manage your emotions and regain the joy of life.

For it, I selected 5 practices (meditations). They are easy to perform - they require 7 to 15 minutes each. And at the same time, they are very effective and you see the result immediately. It's proven - thousands of my students use them. Check it out too!

Сourse program:
Lesson 1. Recovery of your subtle bodies and emotional state

You will learn to meditate and master the first practice of meditation, which will restore your emotional state, the balance of internal energies, and mental states.

Lesson 2. Learning to control thoughts

You will master a practice that will help you learn to control your thoughts and weaken the influence of destructive subconscious programs. You will learn how to influence your well-being and emotions, as well as manage the events of your life.
You can manage your life by learning to manage yourself - your thoughts and internal energies.

Lesson 3. Release from fears and other destructive conditions

You will learn the secrets to weaken and annul fears, as well as master the practice that will free you from fears and anxieties.

Lesson 4. Restoration of the psyche, health and internal reserves of strength, strengthening the energy of 6 subtle bodies

You will learn the secrets of how to restore internal strength, fill up with energy and restore health with the help of energy. And master the practice of restoring subtle bodies (your biofield), and strengthening their energy.

Lesson 5. Activation of your inner potential of the Creator, and the realization of dreams

Using this practice, you will be able to realize your desires! And you will learn the secrets of how to strengthen your energy potential and direct it to create the events of your life - the fulfillment of your desires and the realization of your dreams.
The Author and Teacher of the course:


▪️ psychologist, Ph.D. in Psychology, parapsychologist, researcher of anomalous phenomena of consciousness, writer;
▪️ academician of the Academy of Technological Sciences of Ukraine;
▪️ spiritual teacher, medium;
▪️ bioenergy therapist, a real member of the International Association of Non-Traditional Methods of Treatment.

▪️ founder and Head of the International Center fo the Development of Consciousness Development at the Academy of Technological Sciences of Ukraine, established in 2010.
More than 35 thousand students from 58 countries have studied at the center.

Now Natalia Rodina conducts ONLINE TRAINING for learners from all over the world! (in English, Russian, Deutch, Italian, Spanish and Estonian): more than 58 courses on psychology, self-development, health improvement, development of consciousness and superpowers.

Ready to try this course for free?

Send me your name and email address and I will send you emails within 5 days with meditations and secrets that you can apply on the same day to improve your emotional and mental state and change the events of your life.
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