5-day LIVE online training:
"Energy of New Life"
on August 26-30

Author and teacher of the course:

Natalia Rodina - world-famous Ukrainian psychologist, Ph.D. in Psychology, parapsychologist, scientist, bioenergy therapist, healer, academician, founder and head of the International Center for the Development of Consciousness Capabilities at the Academy of Technological Sciences of Ukraine (since 2010)

2-step program:

1st Step: Free Online Seminar on Zoom

on August 18th

at 19:00 (Kyiv time GMT +3)

Natalia Rodina will analyze your situations, answer your questions, and reveal important knowledge about:

- how planetary changes have affected people's lives,

- what the threats that new technologies will bring,

- what else will happen in 2024 and later in the future,

- and how to go through these transformations correctly.

2nd step: 5-day LIVE online course

on August 26-30

(Monday to Friday at 10:00-13:00 (Ukraine time, EEST (UTC+3)

This is the complete course for the initial level of consciousness and energy abilities development.

See the detailed course program below:

Day 1. Restoration of psycho-emotional state. The work with your energy fields.
The human energy system: subtle bodies, soul, consciousness, and mind. Energy connections between people. The wave structure of reality.

Day 2. Health: the principles of maintaining and restoring health. The laws of financial prosperity and how to solve financial problems. Basics of managing your reality (the formation of life events).

Day 3. Explanation of the process of death and after-death experience; subconscious programs of your past lives – how to annul and transform them. DNA programs.

Day 4. Hierarchy of divine spiritual beings who help people in development and spiritual growth. How to interact with them and get their help and guidance, receive high divine energy.
The structure of the planet, and the levels of reality. Other beings living on Earth and their influence on people. The history of the planet: the causes of contemporary human suffering.

Day 5. How to manage energies, thoughts, and emotions. The evolutionary tasks of mankind. Parallel worlds. Strengthen your energy power and elimination negative energy influences.

Every day during the course Natalia Rodina provides theoretical knowledge and practice (sacred energy methods) and works with all the participants individually, restoring the psycho-emotional state and physical health, harmonizing the consciousness and energy state of all subtle bodies.

It is the program of unlocking superpowers and inner strength.

It gives you the unique and most necessary knowledge on how to manage yourself and the events of your life.
You will gain the techniques and the knowledge of how to solve them and protect yourself from danger.

When you have the ability to control your reality, your health, your inner state, and defense mechanisms, you are always strong, so it's impossible to influence you.
Natalia Rodina has collected this knowledge and methods in the course "Energy of New Life"
and invites you to study.

This is a capacious, fundamental course. Its goal is to give you knowledge and practices that will give you the ability to manage yourself and your life and to be protected even in the face of unpredictability and uncertainty.


▪️ Psychologist, Ph.D. in Psychology, parapsychologist,
▪️ Researcher of anomalous phenomena of consciousness;
▪️ Academician of the Academy of Technological Sciences of Ukraine;
▪️ Spiritual teacher, medium;
▪️ healer, bioenergy therapist, and a real member of the International Association of Non-Traditional Methods of Treatment.
▪️ author of two books;
▪️ Founder and Head of the International Center for the Development of Consciousness Capabilities at the Academy of Technological Sciences of Ukraine, established in 2010 in Kyiv, Ukraine.

More than 35 thousand students from 58 countries have studied at the center.
Learn more about training and Natalia Rodina:
Course format and participation conditions:
The course is conducted online on Zoom.

Natalia conducts an individual energy attunement for each student(to work with sacred energy practices).
In the course of the lessons, Natalia Rodina helps each individual to fully understand all aspects of the programs and quickly put things in order in the most problematic life issues, as well as personally restore energy and health and fill each student with her energy!

Therefore, you can participate in the course only by attending classes online(we do not send records of courses).

Course duration:
5 days (Monday to Friday), each lesson lasts 3 hours.
Now training takes place only ONLINE - on Zoom.

To study the course, you must pass the selection:
Not everyone can attend training.
After applying, you must pass the selection (remotely): Natalia Rodina assesses the internal readiness of each person for this knowledge and practice (by the photo):

- If you are enrolled, you pay for the course and participate in online training.
- If you are not ready, Natalia Rodina gives recommendations on how to improve your inner state and prepare for learning.

If you're ready to get started, don't waste time!
The Results of our Students:

Main facts about
our International Center for the Development
of Consciousness Capabilities:

years of work
number of our students
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